Persistently we keep tearing
at our heart's bark, until it weeps Lyric:
wine-ready, dangerous, heady, flammable chant
(patience is rewarded)
the silver gate is opened
and the Silver pours forth
hot, shining, aromatic,
like the moon's lava
a path for the Wild One who will come.
The blood mead heart spark liquor
we have set free to leap into the glass
leaps from glass to mouth
and puts an edge upon our bones
as the Wild One passes through the gate.
Old, Old, Sun Eater
raises his head and howls
and higher howls, and howls, and howls again
and grins his highest howl to shatter Dawn!
His rainbow bridging invocation fills the world
the tonic brewed, and drunk, and ineluctable,
shuddering through our frame, knows victory
brandishes its metre and becomes
and we who cherished our mute complacency
must chordant resonate and thrum
and give to this mad tryst our voice and will.....
And words will be spoken.
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